Business Growth Strategies

About Us

Helping Business Owners to Grow Sustainably, Scale Effectively, Build a High Performing Team, Optimise Profits, and Maximise Value.

We help you and your team to build a valuable, sellable business.

Rod Fraser

  • Business Mentor, Strategist & Investor - business growth, scaling, growth through acquisitions, to exit readiness and exit.

  • Personal coaching of SMB owners for clarity, focus, direction and drive to get back in flow and transition to freedom.

  • Have coached many SMB owners and their teams, including professional services for over 30 years.

  • Business model innovation, & agile Scrum Master.

  • Frank Kern Certifications Sandor Consultant & Social Media and online marketing.

  • The Scalable Company - AI Entrepreneur, Growth Accelerator, Scalable Operating System Accelerator programs.

  • EPIC Elite Mergers & Acquisitions, CFE & AI training.

  • Talent Dynamics, values for individual and team performance.

  • Certified NLP Coach, Graduate Certificate in Neuro Linguistic Programming & Master Practitioner.

  • Strategic Thinking & One Page Planning framework.

  • Certified Gazelles International Coach 2014 - 2016

  • Highest values: health & well being, family, and building wealth.

Ellyn Martin

  • End to end recruitment of A Players and operators.

  • Patrick Lencioni organizational health program - facilitation of cohesion and clarity in teams.

  • Talent Dynamics profiling for teams and session.

  • Individual coaching including talent dynamics & values.

  • Experience in adult education, not for profits, local gov't.

  • Business excellence framework, agile ScrumMaster training.

  • Background in organisational development, facilitation, and training for building high performing teams.

  • NLP Coach. Graduate Certificate in Neuro Linguistic Programming & Dr John Demartini Values Program.

  • Frank Kern Certification Sandor Consultant & social media.

  • Strategic Thinking & One Page Planning framework.

  • Certified Gazelles International Coach 2014 - 2016

  • Highest values: helping people grow, learning, and connection.

We Have Trained, Studied and Utilise The Works of...

  • The Scalable Company - AI Entrepreneur training.

  • EPIC AI Mastery training program.

  • The Scalable Company - Scalable Growth & Operating System Accelerators.

  • EPIC Network Mergers & Acquisitions and AI Programs.

  • EPIC Network Consulting For Equity Program.

  • Frank Kern Inc. - Sandor Coaching, Sandor Social Media and Rainmaker Online Marketing Certifications.

  • Chris & Jules Collingwood - Post Graduate Certificate in Neuro Linguistic Programming.

  • Alexander Osterwalder - Business Model and Value Proposition Canvas training.

  • Scrum Master Certification. Jeff Sutherland - How To Get Twice As Much Done In Half The Time.

  • Gazelles International Coaches with Verne Harnish founder of Entrepreneurs Organization EO - Scaling Up and One Page Strategic Planning framework.

  • Patrick Lencioni's - The Advantage, 5 Dysfunctions Of A Team.

  • Jim Collins - Built to Last, Good To Great, Great by Choice.

  • Jack Stack - Great Game of Business.

  • Dr Brad Smart - Topgrading and refined by Dr Geoff Smart - Who: The A Method for Hiring.

  • Dr George Kohlrieser - Distinguished Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior - Hostage At The Table, Care To Dare.

  • Alan Miltz - Cashflow Story, Greg Crabtree - Simple Numbers, Jonathan T Byrnes - Profit Mapping.

  • Australian Applied Management Colloquium - Leadership program

  • Business Excellence Framework.

  • Dr John Grinder & Carmen Bostic St Clair - Process Oriented Coaching, Advanced NLP Coach.

  • Dr John Demartini - Demartini Values Process Facilitation, Demartini Method Facilitator.

  • XL Foundation - Coach The Coach, Life Coaching, Wealth (Talent) Dynamics Profiling Master Practitioner

  • Dr Stephanie Burns - Learning to Learn, Training to Train & Advanced Programs

  • Graduate Certificate In Frontline Manager DevelopmentCertificate III in Marketing - Promotions.

  • Geoff & Mahni Dugan - Practitioner & Master Practitioner of NLP (twice).

  • Anthony Robbins - Date with Destiny, Life Mastery Programs.

  • Post graduate studies in Business Administration.

  • Jay Abraham Mastermind Success Program.

  • Results Corporation marketing bootcamps & advanced with Chris Newton, Paul Dunn and Jay Abraham.

  • Diploma of Education.Bachelor of Arts.


Our business values in action - World Class Learning, Connection and Drive.

Transform Your Business with Business Growth Strategies

Escape Burnout. Achieve Growth. Prepare for a Successful Exit.

🌟 Your Business, Redefined:

You, as an owner of a growth-oriented business (SMB), face a unique challenge. You're striving for growth and an eventual successful exit, but burnout looms large. You're caught in a cycle of stress and constant involvement in your business, making it hard to see the opportunities ahead.

Crave More Freedom?

You're not alone. Many business owners we speak with seek more freedom, less stress, and a desire to work less while achieving more. They dream of a stellar team, scaling their business, and being exit-ready. They need help to transition out of the day to day. You can't do it when you have no room to think or move. The question is: Where do you start?

🔍 Find Clarity Amidst Chaos:

Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed can cloud your vision. The first step to overcoming this is simple yet powerful – pause, reflect, and seek guidance. With over 30 years of experience as an investor, business mentor, and a seasoned business person, I offer the clarity and focus you need to liberate your time and energy.

📈 Leverage What You Have:

If you have a functional marketing and sales process and a solid core team, we have a strong foundation to build upon. Instead of adding more to your plate, we focus on simplifying and honing in on high-value, high-impact activities. Together, we can navigate your challenges and achieve your goals.

🚀A New Approach to Growth:

Contrary to popular belief, generating more leads or clients isn't always the answer. The key lies in refining your sales process for better conversion rates and increased client profitability. We'll will explore ways to exponentially grow, sales, profits and building value in your business beyond organic growth, thinking outside the box.

🛠 Change How You Work and Sell:

The path to more profit, more freedom, less work, and reduced stress is through transforming 'how you work' and 'how you sell'. It's about selling value, not just time or expertise. It's about the right people in the right roles and fully utilizing technology like AI in your business. Sometimes less is a lot more profitable and easier. Do less, better.

👉 Book A Conversation, Now:

A few quick questions await you before we schedule our call, just so I know a bit about you. You can check out our About page, and check me out on Facebook and LinkedIn too. I'll do the same for you. So we are clear - this is NOT a sales call. We need to get to know each other first. Then we can explore how I might be able to help you, or connect you to the right people in my network, if appropriate. Your path to growth and freedom starts here.

🌐 Places To Connect:

Connect on LinkedIn: Rod Fraser's LinkedIn Profile  - Let's connect professionally, chat, and learn more about each other.

Join our LinkedIn Group: Business Growth & Exit Ready Network - Get access to a network of business owners, professionals, and investors focused on growth, scaling, and maximizing value for exit. Remember business is a team sport.

Connect on Facebook: Rod Fraser's Facebook Profile  - Engage with insightful content and join the conversation on business growth and exit strategies.

Join the Facebook Group: Business Growth & Exit Ready Network  - Connect with like-minded business owners, professionals, and investors focused on growth, scaling, and profitable exits.

Subscribe to my Exit Ready Blog and receive in-depth articles on growth strategies, scaling tips, and preparing for a successful business exit delivered weekly. It's free!

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